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Helårslisens /Terminliste
Ved kjøp av Helårslisens har du mange fordeler.
Forsikring dersom du skader deg eller andre/annens eiendom under trening i hele verden, Avslag på hotell etc.
PS! forskjellen på forsikringen i Tur/Trimlisens og Aktiv er at med aktiv lisens vil man få raskere behandling ved enkelte skader. ellers er alt likt.
Cycleforbundet tilbyr også løypevaktkurs, så hvis du har lyst til å bidra som løypevakt, eller bare er interessert i å lære, kan du ta kurs her
Terminliste (Alle sykkelritt i Norge)
About us
Randaberg Cycling Club is a club that mainly consists of adults from Randaberg who want to stay in shape with the help of cycling. We keep a high social factor so that everyone can feel at home regardless of training basis.
We do not focus on fast times but aim to develop the members' physical and mental well-being while they can enjoy unique nature experiences.
Randaberg Cycling Club was started in 1992 by Olav Nybø and the first leader of the club was Geir Goa. In the course of 4 years, we grew to become Norway's second largest mountain bike club.
Randaberg Cycling Club has been the organizer of three Norgescup races and one Norwegian Championship. We were also one of three clubs that started the North Sea race and are otherwise a very active club in the area.
Our goal is to have an offer for everyone regardless of age, gender and physical condition. Randaberg Cycling Club wants to be a club that can facilitate development both as a club and as an individual. We will offer elaborate training programs adapted to different levels.
The club has own premises in Friluftshuset on Randabergfjellet where we have our own spinning hall and bicycle workshop.
There is full equipment here bicycle milking, and the opportunity for socializing.
You are welcome to join us for both training outdoors, spinning indoors and other activities. So if you think Randaberg Cycling Club sounds like a club that suits you, we recommend that you show up and join us for training.
Randaberg cycling club
Randaberg Cycling Club. Address:
Friluftshuset, Randabergfjellet 4070 Randaberg
Post your message below and we will reply you as soon as we can.